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Advert placed: 31/08/2023
Model:TP 150 - 6"
Price: £3750.00 plus VAT
Condition: USED

Contact the seller (Forest Arborcut)
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Location: Hampshire, UNITED KINGDOM

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TP 150 - 6"

TP 150 - 6" - PTO Woodchipper
Year 2003
6" Capacity
Fitted with No-Stress Device.
A video of this machine in work is available upon request.
Buy with confidence from Forest Arborcut
Tel: 01794 389144
Email [email protected]


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We have sold chippers and green waste shredders from direct leads from eArborist.com I am extremely pleased with the response. Also stump grinder teeth sales are going crazy.
Lucy, Arbor Eater Brushwood Chippers Limited, UNITED KINGDOM