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 2019 Rayco RG45T Tracked Stump grinder   
 Alpine Stump Grinder   
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 Bandit 2900T - Category: Stump Grinders   
 Bandit SG-75 - Category: Stump Grinders   
 Bandit SG75 - Category: Stump Grinders   
 Bandit ZT1844 Track Stump Grinder   
 Carlton SP4012 - Category: Stump Grinders   
 DANequip 27sp - Category: Stump Grinders   
 DANequip 27SP - Category: Stump Grinders   

 See more Stump Grinders |  See more Alpine |  See other Magnum

We have had lots of good responses to all adverts, We sold our used 550ZX within a week. More machines to come.
Craig, Wilkie Equipment, UNITED KINGDOM